My Abandoned Desert

I live in an abandoned island. How did I end up here? Great question. I was sleeping this Saturday morning. I remember having a happy dream of when I was little playing with my cousins. I woke up and I was lying on sand in a beautiful abandoned desert. I was so scared when I woke up but I was genuinely happy when I was in the dessert. I got up from the sand and just ran around maybe someone was there but no soul was there. I started playing with the water I swam in the water and I even made a sand castle. I then went up a tree and grabbed a coconut and drank the juice of it. I remember running and hearing a “BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP”. What was that noice? It was my alarm clock waking me up. That was one of the best dreams I had.

Mr. Invisible

I am invisible for twenty four hours. The first thing I did when I woke up was go downstairs and have some breakfast by myself. I like eating breakfast alone due to having peace and quiet. My family is a bit loud when everyone is at the table. I love peace and quiet when I wake up. The next thing I did was go to Area fifty one. I’ve always wanted to know if Area fifty one is actually a place where Aliens live or if it’s just some Secret Military base that just stores many weapons/ equipment that the government doesn’t know about. Well once I got there I saw UFOS flying over me. I saw Aliens talking. I was so scared. Those Aliens are huge. My heart was racing faster than the ufo that was flying on top of me and that thing was going real fast. I quickly got out of there due to the panicking I had. I got super traumatized. I went home and Slept until the next day.


A quote I can relate to from Dumbledore is “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.” I can honestly relate to this quote. There as been many dark times in my life especially last February and October. I learned that happiness really can be found even in the darkest times as long as YOU turn on the light. As in meaning if your in a dark place your the only one that can change that especially by hanging out with friends or having good distractions.

My Year so Far

It’s a new year which means making some changes for some people at least. This month feels like a decade already! I’ve decided to maybe cut off some friends from my life which i did for the sake of my own peace. I’ve also decided work on gaining my self respect back. I lost a lot of self respect for myself after letting a fourteen year old manipulate me back in August. After that I just in a way let girls take advantage of me like if im some sort of toy. Im now working on gaining my self respect back. I do know that once I do it’s not going to be the same like how it was before August. It’s crazy how one person life can change so much in only five months.