Swapping Lives

I would like to trade places with Miss Moffat for many reasons. One reason is because she’s a fabulous teacher. I mean I would love to be a teacher one day, teaching kids and helping kids learn and grow. The patience Ms Moffat has is very wonderful and I sure do need that. She is also a very kind and understanding person. If you would just talk about something she would always understand your point of view and where you’re coming from. That is what makes a great teacher and I sure would want to be a teacher like that in the future. Another reason why I would want to be Ms Moffat is because she is very creative. I mean a teacher that’s all this would make not just a great teacher but a great person in general. Miss Moffat is a person and a teacher I look forward to being in my future. Miss Moffat also is a grown adult with no kids, honestly id love to be like that. Why? Well for starters you don’t have your kids nagging and have no worries for them and all you should be worrying about is yourself and your students that you see once a day , which is a good especially if your teacher. I’d love to have a calm life like Miss Moffat.

One thought on “Swapping Lives”

  1. That was lovely, Andy! Thank you so much for seeing me and getting who I am! You are the best and I am so lucky to be your teacher. I think you would be a fabulous teacher one day! 💕

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