20% Project- Week One.

For my 20% project I am focusing on my topic. The history of Baking and Cooking! Here are a few accomplishments for this week. I went to the store and got brownie mixture boxes to make brownies! I also did very good research on my topic so that I can be prepared for my tri- fold work and layout. I also started cooking new things like, Pasta, Brownies, and Peppermint Cookies. A few struggles this week was when I was baking my brownies I used a different tray than usual a bit more smaller one and since I was used to my old tray I would always cook my brownies for about twenty two minutes. Well I did that for my brownies on my different tray and it was BAD. Once the brownies came out they honestly looked cooked well. I let it dry off and I cut up the brownies in nine equal pieces. I took a bite and the top was cooked but the middle was still fudged from the mixture. That was a disaster! I left off on cooking Brownies, Pasta, and Peppermint Cookies. I am looking forward to do more research on the History of my topic and not just research on the people who helped Baking and Cooking but what it is now known as today.

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