Good Morning

It would be a dream to have a perfect day and it would go like this. I wake up with breakfast brought to me in bed preferably pancakes toast and sausage. I would then go on to play soccer at the Great Park located in Irvine. I would later take a nap without any distractions and wake up whatever time I wake up. Then it would be perfect if I would go out to eat at Olive Garden for some Chicken Alfredo. I would then go buy my favorite ice cream OREO! I would later go to a mall like Irvine Spectrum to go shop around for clothes. I would also want to shop for shoes and exotic candies. On the way home from the mall I would have course pass by target to buy popcorn and snacks for a movie night at home. I would then get back home, chill and relax and watch a movie with all my snacks and call it a fantastic night!

My Permanent Age Forever

I would want to be sixteen years old forever. Sixteen is a good age since you aren’t too old or too young. One reason why I would want to be sixteen is because I can be a party animal at that age without any worries about tomorrow. I can also start going out more which me personally I like to do since you get to do more fun stuff when you go out and I feel that sixteen is a perfect age to start going to high school parties, and go out more with friends. My second reason why I would want to be sixteen is so that I can start working a part time job. I would love to start working at sixteen so that I can truly learn the value of money as a teen. Working at a part time job forever would be wonderful, only working four hours forever and the good thing is your only sixteen! The last reason why I would want to be sixteen forever is because I can get learn how to drive. I can start practicing how to drive at sixteen and later getting my permit, how cool is that! Honestly I would love to be sixteen forever driving so I wouldnt have to worry later about not being able to see well or having driving problems that can be caused by aging. I’d be young forever.

How I Injured my Knee

It was one fine Saturday morning, I woke up more earlier than usual that day. I was looking to go and play soccer with my dad that day at Foothill high, I woke up 6am and bursted to my dads room and have him take me to Foothill, he was all grumpy at first since it was pretty early but hey he took me. He ended up playing a few matches with me, I felt some soreness in my knee but I didn’t think anything of it. I was playing soccer then I felt my knee sort of twist, the amount of pain I felt was so bad, my dad was all worried, he later took me home and had me get rest and have my knee massaged. The second day which was a Sunday was probably the worse day of pain, I honestly like I couldn’t move. All I could of done was rest which I did but my pain was so bad but it later went away overtime, and I was back at playing soccer.

My Rad Reading

For this month, I read Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. This story is about a boy named Harry Potter that is a wizard currently attending “Hogwarts Wizarding School”. He is currently on his 4th year at Hogwarts, This year there is “A Ball” and the “Triwizard Tournament”. The Triwizard tournament is a tournament where three students from each school participate in a tournament where you must complete three deadly tasks in order to take the Triwizard Cup. Harry is looking forward to “The Ball” and the tournament this year. He laters finds out that the tournament is only for the kids 17 and older and harry is only 13. Harry later got chosen to participate in this deadly tournament. The question is how did he got chosen when he is only 13? Read more to find out what happens.

I honestly really love reading Harry Potter I love reading the crazy situations Harry is always in. Harry is a very brave person, he comes from a ‘muggle family” (non-wizarding people) so it was very hard for Harry to fit in with people that are actually his kind since he’s been growing up with muggles most of his childhood . At first Harry was a shy kid, he didn’t really know how to communicate good or he didn’t know how to defend himself very well. Harry later better learned how to be and do better and he is now the most bravest person out there in the wizarding world.

Professor Dumbledore was honestly my favorite character. He honestly is a great man, he always has a solution to anything. He knows how to run the school well properly. Professor Dumbledore is very humble person, and will always try his best to keep his and his students safety one of his top priorities. I also love how Professor Dumbledore will always have time for anyone his kindness and his willingness is absolutely amazing.

My favorite quote from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is “We are only as strong as we are united, as weak as we are divided.” This is honestly my favorite quote because this is honestly so true in real life. People who are all united together as a good cooperative team will always have a positive outcome, and those who are all divided not working together will only become weak. This is a very strong quote Professor Dumbledore said.

The Best Universe To Live In.

I would love to live in the universe of the book Hardy Potter and The Goblet of Fire. I would love to be Harry Potter that is competing in a massive tournament and has to face his biggest enemy that has been wanting to kill Harry since he was a little baby. How crazy would it be competing with your worst enemy! Another reason why I would love to live in the Harry Potter universe is because Harry Potter gets to be the youngest seeker in the century in the sport “Quidditch”. Quidditch is a sport that is only in the wizard world, it’s honestly like soccer but its in the air, there is a seeker which job is to catch and track the ball , a chaser which job is to try and get the ball into the goal , a beater which job is to also try and score, and a beaters job is to bat the blugers away. My last reason why I would love to live in the Harry Potter world is because I can use magic and be a wizard. The reason I would love to be a wizard is so I can do magic and do stuff muggles can’t do.

My Favorite Meal

I have a favorite meal. My favorite meal is Chicken Alfredo with Toast as a side and a Sprite! My mom always asks me “Andy any ideas for dinner”? I always tell her to make my favorite dish which is Chicken Alfredo. The reason I love this meal is because I love the noodles that are drenched with the creamy tasty Alfredo sauce. I also love the grilled chicken that goes with the pasta, that’s honestly one of my favorite parts of this meal besides the tasty sauce that gets put into the pasta. What’s a pasta without a side of fresh hot toast? I can never have my favorite dish without my toast! Chicken Alfredo with Hot baked toast. It’s honestly the best combo ever existed, am I wrong? Whenever I eat my favorite dish I must have my Sprite, Sprite is my favorite drink, what’s a meal without your favorite refresher? Lastly for dessert I love to have a scoop of my favorite ice cream which is Oreo ice cream! Honestly when I have this meal I always and must call it a good day no matter what. I can’t wait to have this meal again!

My Dream House

If I could design my own house it would look like a castle. I would love for my house to be a two story house, four bedrooms, one for guests, one for me, one for my cats, one for my future kid. I want my house to be in the hills, I want to be able to go outside and see the view of the city. I also would want a big backyard where there can be a soccer goal to be playing and practicing, with a big field. A batting cage so i can get better when I’m batting a baseball , and I would want my batting cage near the the soccer field. I also would like Tennis Courts on the other side of my mansion, Tennis would be good for me to distract myself and it’s a good exercise, I’ve been liking tennis since I was about 5! I also want a beautiful pool, I would love a big rectangular pool with a circular hot tub next to it, a pool is a great place to spend time in especially in the summer. I would also want my pool to have lights inside so a it can glow during dawn and at night. Last but not least i would love to have a movie theater with about three row of four seats in each row. I would also like a popcorn maker inside the theater, so when I am watching a movie I can easily make a fresh batch of popcorn.

Travel Time

If I could travel anywhere on planet Earth it would be in Japan, I would love to visit many tourists places in Japan, try new food and all the exotic snacks in Japan, like the Japan Lays, Japan Oreos, Japan cookies and Japan sodas. I also have some friends of my parents in Japan that are really nice and welcoming, their names are Akio and Emi, they are both born and raised in Japan, they love to call me Andy Dandy! Another reason why I would love to travel to Japan is learn how to speak Japanese, sometimes I get tired of only speaking English. I feel that learning how to speak Japanese in Japan would be a great opportunity for me to meet new people and can help me communicate with people that speak Japanese. My last reason why I would love to visit Japan is for technology. Japan technology is super advanced which means there is more video games, apps, better cell phones, and overall better technology. I would love to be playing new video games in Japan that people in the U.S don’t know about, I would also love to see the newest cell phones Japan has! I would love to see new technology that Japan has that other countries don’t have. This is all about why I would love to visit Japan.

All About Me!

Hi, my name is Andy. Welcome to my blog! Allow me to introduce myself. I have a family of five, My mom Laura my dad Roger my brother Isaac, and my other brother Michael and of course myself Andy! My family loves cats we have and all gray cat named Milo and a gray and black cat Mia. My mom and dad never wanted dog because dogs can tend to be more dirtier than cats, for example my cats can take care of themselves, don’t need to be potty trained and they also know how to defend themselves, on the other hand dogs aren’t as responsible as cats. One thing about me is I love pasta, especially Chicken Alfredo, i just love the Alfredo sauce, it’s a family tradition in my family on how we make the Chicken Alfredo, My family tradition with Chicken Alfredo all started with my great great grandmother who was a great cook, now thanks to her Chicken Alfredo is now in my genes! Another thing about me is I’m very easy to get along me, for example i can get along with any teacher as long as we both respect each other, I LOVE getting along with teachers by using jokes, and calling each other nice appropriate names. I also love teachers who understand me and talk to me about anything, what I don’t like is teachers who tend to not care about a students feelings or their life outside school. One last thing about me is I love baseball I play left field for my position, I play for a team in Irvine, and I started playing since i was about five years old. I got introduced to baseball by my older brother and honestly I did not like baseball when i was younger, so i was not so happy about trying it out but look at me now i love baseball, its a great sport and a great distraction for me and its a great hobby for me to be doing instead of sitting on my bed every day after school on my phone. This is my “All About Me” presentation, thanks for reading.