
A quote I can relate to from Dumbledore is “Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, when one only remembers to turn on the light.” I can honestly relate to this quote. There as been many dark times in my life especially last February and October. I learned that happiness really can be found even in the darkest times as long as YOU turn on the light. As in meaning if your in a dark place your the only one that can change that especially by hanging out with friends or having good distractions.

My Year so Far

It’s a new year which means making some changes for some people at least. This month feels like a decade already! I’ve decided to maybe cut off some friends from my life which i did for the sake of my own peace. I’ve also decided work on gaining my self respect back. I lost a lot of self respect for myself after letting a fourteen year old manipulate me back in August. After that I just in a way let girls take advantage of me like if im some sort of toy. Im now working on gaining my self respect back. I do know that once I do it’s not going to be the same like how it was before August. It’s crazy how one person life can change so much in only five months.

My Hero

For my hero I choose my older brother. My older brother Isaac is sixteen and is honestly the best big brother ever. We get along very well. In the past about two years ago we wouldn’t really get along. Now we get along well. We both cook for each other. We both help each other with things we need help in. He has a girlfriend currently. Our conversations lately are about her. Besides that I feel like me and my brother have a genuine connection. We grew up with each other and we always sticked together except when he was in eight grade. We hardly saw each other. He was always at school, basketball practice, or with friends. When he was in eight grade that was probably our worst year as brothers. We regained our connection summer 2022. I honestly look up to him. He’s a person I want to be where in in high school. He works, drives and is a student Athlete.

My December Rad Reading

For the month of December I read Rodrick Rules by J.K Rowling. This is honestly the best book I’ve read from the Diary of the Wimpy kid series. This is a very funny and interesting book that would have you thinking about what’s going to happen next! This book is mainly about Greg trying to impress girls at school. The school talent show. Greg’s problems about middle school and of course Greg and his brother Rodrick Relationship.

I recommended reading this book has real life problems like two brothers relationship and girl problems. These problems aren’t just any problem that anyone can handle these two problems can be mostly every teenage boys problem. This story also has interesting things like for example, Greg had a fat crush on Holly a girl that goes to his middle school. There was a talent show. Greg thought this was the best shot he has to impress himself to her. At the talent show he decided play an instrument The Violin. It was the day of the talent show the instructor yelled “Greg Herffly playing the violin!” As Greg got on stage he saw Holly in the first two rows. He got and stage and played. He thought he was doing well but the only sound that was coming out was “Screeeeh” What do you think happened next? In conclusion this is why I recommend you this funny interesting book.

My favorite character is Holly. Holly is my favorite character because she is a good friend and is very honest no matter the situation and is polite. Her honest character trait is helpful. A quote that proves this is when she told Greg “ Greg your a good kid but I can’t see myself with you, you will find a good girl one day and I hope you understand where I’m coming from.” This quote proves that she in honest because not any girl would be honest like that with a guy. Many girls would embarrass them or just lead the guy on. Holly is the best character in the book.

My favorite quote in the book is “I’ll be famous one day, but for now I’m stuck in middle school with a bunch of Morons.” This is my favorite quote because not only is it a great ending for the book but it is a very funny quote although he could have said it better this quote would always enlighten my day.


My word of intention for 2024 is myself. I know it would be best for me. I honestly focus on other people like my family too much which isn’t a bad thing but I also really need to focus on my physical and mental health. I want to come home and feel good and confident about myself. I want to be happy in myself and my actions. A thing that can help me focus on myself is starting writing many personal stuff in a journal. This can help me let everything out that I may have mentally. Also this is good because one day I can look back at everything I wrote in the journal and reflect on myself. Another thing I can do is also start going on walks. This can help me with peace and silence. If I ever feel a bit down or trapped in any way I can always go on a walk to help me. The last thing I’m going to do is let everything go. What I mean by this is I am going to let go of every bad thing that happens last year. I am also going to learn how to forgive better because at the end of the day what does one gain by holding grudges.

Principal For The Day

I have been told I am principal of my school for the day. Here are the five wonderful things I would do. The first thing I would do is give all the wonderful staff and teachers a wonderful lunch with all kinds of snacks, all kinds of drinks, and with all kinds of food such as pasta, pizza, salads, burgers, and much more. The second thing I would do as principal of the day is every Wednesday I would Order Pizza for all the students to enjoy at lunch. The third thing I would do is do more tardy sweeps. More tardy sweeps can help increase the amount of tardies students have because what student would want to get a detention just for one tardy. By doing this more students would actually start getting to class on time and would stop getting distracted during passing periods. The fourth thing I would do is create not just math clubs but also coding clubs, science clubs, and design and modeling clubs after school so kids can have more opportunities to have fun and learn. The Last thing I would do as principal is every Monday after lunch have all students after lunch go outside and help clean the campus instead of relying on our campus supervisors and custodians. By adding this rule every Monday after lunch this will definitely help maintain our campus a safe and clean environment.

The Weird Pigeon On My Block

I live in the neighborhood of Tustin. There is the pigeon that always likes to come TO MY HOUSE out of all the houses he loves to go on top of my roof and just be watching the view like if he’s some type of security. I named the pigeon “The neighborhood watcher of the block”. The pigeon is very funny a few times he has bump into cars, has tried to fight a cat, and a raccoon! This pigeon is a literal character. One Saturday this same pigeon was acting very strange. I heard it from my roof. Sound it like he was stuck or was having trouble walking. I told my parents about this and they just told me not to worry and that he should be fine. I left it alone for a while until it came back again, and to me it sounded like he was stuck or something was on his face where it couldn’t see anything . Well check it out I looked outside and the pigeon has a leaf on his face! I calmly took it off for him but of course I had to take a picture of it before I took it off the leaf. Check out this picture.

Things I’m Thankful For

I am so thankful for three things. First, I am thankful that all my family members are in good care, no one is in the hospital/ very ill. I’m glad all my family is all healthy and safe because at the end of the day if my family isn’t by my side I honestly don’t know where I would be at with no family. Second thing, I am grateful for is that i have a roof over my head. This honestly means a lot to me because my parents struggled getting a house when i was younger and now that we actually have a roof over us is honestly the best thing, my own room, and the best is no more having to not be able to do certain things in the house since most of my childhood My parents would have us living in someone else’s house renting rooms for us, I’m very thankful I no longer have to be living under someone else’s roof and now I life under my and my parents roof. Lastly, I am grateful for my cats. Milo which is a boy and Mia which is a girl. Mia is very chill she doesn’t like rough playing nor being active, very calm cat. Milo on the other hand is the opposite of Mia, very playful, love to be active, and is very nice. Although at points Milo would be meowing all morning just for attention. These are all the three thing I am grateful for.

My Three Wishes

A genie has given me three wishes! How awesome is that! I would first wish for my whole family to have a brand new home that is perfect size for them and their family. Who wouldn’t want their family to have a beautiful home. My second wish would be for my parents to have another baby (preferably a boy). I only have an older brother that is fifth teen his name is Isaac and a baby brother Michael he’s eleven. I honestly do like having them around but I would really want another baby sibling to play with, I want to see that kid grow up. For some reason I love babies. They are super calm, and very adorable. Another sibling for me and my life would be complete. My third wish for me would be for my grandpa to come back to life. I hardly got to see him since he lived in Mexico. I wish I could have saw him more since I only visited him about three times and the third time I did went to go see him he died the second day I was there. Bringing back my grandpa would be my third wish I would love to have.

Swapping Lives

I would like to trade places with Miss Moffat for many reasons. One reason is because she’s a fabulous teacher. I mean I would love to be a teacher one day, teaching kids and helping kids learn and grow. The patience Ms Moffat has is very wonderful and I sure do need that. She is also a very kind and understanding person. If you would just talk about something she would always understand your point of view and where you’re coming from. That is what makes a great teacher and I sure would want to be a teacher like that in the future. Another reason why I would want to be Ms Moffat is because she is very creative. I mean a teacher that’s all this would make not just a great teacher but a great person in general. Miss Moffat is a person and a teacher I look forward to being in my future. Miss Moffat also is a grown adult with no kids, honestly id love to be like that. Why? Well for starters you don’t have your kids nagging and have no worries for them and all you should be worrying about is yourself and your students that you see once a day , which is a good especially if your teacher. I’d love to have a calm life like Miss Moffat.