
My word of intention for 2024 is myself. I know it would be best for me. I honestly focus on other people like my family too much which isn’t a bad thing but I also really need to focus on my physical and mental health. I want to come home and feel good and confident about myself. I want to be happy in myself and my actions. A thing that can help me focus on myself is starting writing many personal stuff in a journal. This can help me let everything out that I may have mentally. Also this is good because one day I can look back at everything I wrote in the journal and reflect on myself. Another thing I can do is also start going on walks. This can help me with peace and silence. If I ever feel a bit down or trapped in any way I can always go on a walk to help me. The last thing I’m going to do is let everything go. What I mean by this is I am going to let go of every bad thing that happens last year. I am also going to learn how to forgive better because at the end of the day what does one gain by holding grudges.

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