The Weird Pigeon On My Block

I live in the neighborhood of Tustin. There is the pigeon that always likes to come TO MY HOUSE out of all the houses he loves to go on top of my roof and just be watching the view like if he’s some type of security. I named the pigeon “The neighborhood watcher of the block”. The pigeon is very funny a few times he has bump into cars, has tried to fight a cat, and a raccoon! This pigeon is a literal character. One Saturday this same pigeon was acting very strange. I heard it from my roof. Sound it like he was stuck or was having trouble walking. I told my parents about this and they just told me not to worry and that he should be fine. I left it alone for a while until it came back again, and to me it sounded like he was stuck or something was on his face where it couldn’t see anything . Well check it out I looked outside and the pigeon has a leaf on his face! I calmly took it off for him but of course I had to take a picture of it before I took it off the leaf. Check out this picture.

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