My Three Wishes

A genie has given me three wishes! How awesome is that! I would first wish for my whole family to have a brand new home that is perfect size for them and their family. Who wouldn’t want their family to have a beautiful home. My second wish would be for my parents to have another baby (preferably a boy). I only have an older brother that is fifth teen his name is Isaac and a baby brother Michael he’s eleven. I honestly do like having them around but I would really want another baby sibling to play with, I want to see that kid grow up. For some reason I love babies. They are super calm, and very adorable. Another sibling for me and my life would be complete. My third wish for me would be for my grandpa to come back to life. I hardly got to see him since he lived in Mexico. I wish I could have saw him more since I only visited him about three times and the third time I did went to go see him he died the second day I was there. Bringing back my grandpa would be my third wish I would love to have.

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