My Permanent Age Forever

I would want to be sixteen years old forever. Sixteen is a good age since you aren’t too old or too young. One reason why I would want to be sixteen is because I can be a party animal at that age without any worries about tomorrow. I can also start going out more which me personally I like to do since you get to do more fun stuff when you go out and I feel that sixteen is a perfect age to start going to high school parties, and go out more with friends. My second reason why I would want to be sixteen is so that I can start working a part time job. I would love to start working at sixteen so that I can truly learn the value of money as a teen. Working at a part time job forever would be wonderful, only working four hours forever and the good thing is your only sixteen! The last reason why I would want to be sixteen forever is because I can get learn how to drive. I can start practicing how to drive at sixteen and later getting my permit, how cool is that! Honestly I would love to be sixteen forever driving so I wouldnt have to worry later about not being able to see well or having driving problems that can be caused by aging. I’d be young forever.

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