How I Injured my Knee

It was one fine Saturday morning, I woke up more earlier than usual that day. I was looking to go and play soccer with my dad that day at Foothill high, I woke up 6am and bursted to my dads room and have him take me to Foothill, he was all grumpy at first since it was pretty early but hey he took me. He ended up playing a few matches with me, I felt some soreness in my knee but I didn’t think anything of it. I was playing soccer then I felt my knee sort of twist, the amount of pain I felt was so bad, my dad was all worried, he later took me home and had me get rest and have my knee massaged. The second day which was a Sunday was probably the worse day of pain, I honestly like I couldn’t move. All I could of done was rest which I did but my pain was so bad but it later went away overtime, and I was back at playing soccer.

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