The Best Universe To Live In.

I would love to live in the universe of the book Hardy Potter and The Goblet of Fire. I would love to be Harry Potter that is competing in a massive tournament and has to face his biggest enemy that has been wanting to kill Harry since he was a little baby. How crazy would it be competing with your worst enemy! Another reason why I would love to live in the Harry Potter universe is because Harry Potter gets to be the youngest seeker in the century in the sport “Quidditch”. Quidditch is a sport that is only in the wizard world, it’s honestly like soccer but its in the air, there is a seeker which job is to catch and track the ball , a chaser which job is to try and get the ball into the goal , a beater which job is to also try and score, and a beaters job is to bat the blugers away. My last reason why I would love to live in the Harry Potter world is because I can use magic and be a wizard. The reason I would love to be a wizard is so I can do magic and do stuff muggles can’t do.

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