My Dream House

If I could design my own house it would look like a castle. I would love for my house to be a two story house, four bedrooms, one for guests, one for me, one for my cats, one for my future kid. I want my house to be in the hills, I want to be able to go outside and see the view of the city. I also would want a big backyard where there can be a soccer goal to be playing and practicing, with a big field. A batting cage so i can get better when I’m batting a baseball , and I would want my batting cage near the the soccer field. I also would like Tennis Courts on the other side of my mansion, Tennis would be good for me to distract myself and it’s a good exercise, I’ve been liking tennis since I was about 5! I also want a beautiful pool, I would love a big rectangular pool with a circular hot tub next to it, a pool is a great place to spend time in especially in the summer. I would also want my pool to have lights inside so a it can glow during dawn and at night. Last but not least i would love to have a movie theater with about three row of four seats in each row. I would also like a popcorn maker inside the theater, so when I am watching a movie I can easily make a fresh batch of popcorn.

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